- I don't make it a condition that you like me.
- I make it a condition that I like you.
- Is she...
- She is.
How is it possible?
That lovely, gracious...
Captain, maybe that's what I'm looking for.
What luck!
The symbol of my quest.
The personification.
In her, the answer to the mystery.
The personal equation
of the fall of ancient Greece.
Sorry, miss. I'm terribly sorry.
It's not that you... I think you're beautiful.
And I liked so much
what you did in that cafe.
I wanted so much to be with you.
But, I don't know.
I'm nervous.
And you are very nice.
If you don't mind...
- I'll just go now.
- I don't mind.
But first we smoke a cigarette.
You give me English cigarette, yes?
Of course.
Do you like music?