because everything you do pleases me.
The way you rinse that thing...
pleases me.
The way you walk pleases me.
The way you hang it up pleases me.
- The way I put out the light pleases you?
- Yes, that pleases me, too.
The way your shoulder fits into my hand...
pleases me.
The way your body goes with mine
pleases me.
- Illia...
- That Sunday voice again?
Someday, we'll talk about love.
Forbidden. Verboten!
You don't let me talk about love.
You take my tongue away.
Then shut up.
You know,
I have done many things in my life.
I'm not the one to talk about morality.
But tell me, Illia...
you like your life?
My life was fine before the missionary
and you came along.
I've thrown him out.
And now...
You'll never throw me out.