
Wow. It's as hot
as fresh milk.

Hey, you girls oughta get your boss
to air condition ya up.

He can aff ord it today.

Marion, will you get the copies
of that deed ready f or Mr Cassidy?

- Yes, sir.
- Tomorrow's the day, my little girl.

Oh... Oh, not you.
My daughter.

A baby.
Tomorrow she stands her sweet self
up there and gets married away from me.

- (Chuckles)
- I want you to take a look at my baby.

Eighteen years old...

and she never had an unhappy day
in any one of those years.

Come on, Tom.
My office is air conditioned.

Do you know what I do
about unhappiness?

I buy it off.
Are, uh...
Are you unhappy?

Uh, not inordinately.
I'm buying this house
f or my baby's wedding present.

Forty thousand
dollars cash.

Now that's...
that's not buying happiness.

That's just buying off unhappiness.

(Money Flapping)
I never carry more than
I can aff ord to lose.

- Count 'em!
- I declare!

I don't. That's how
I get to keep it.

Tom, a cash transaction
of this size is most irregular.

Ah, so what?
It's my private money.

- Now it's yours.
- Suppose we put it in the saf e...

and then Monday morning
when you're f eeling good...

Oh, speaking of f eeling good, where's
that bottle you said was in your desk?


You know, uh, sometimes
I can keep my mouth shut.

Lowery, I am dying
of "thirst-aroonie."
