Rocco e i suoi fratelli

:09:03's just that...
She's Ginetta. l wrote you
about our engagement.

You arrived
just in time to bless us.

You're so rich that you
can marry? Especially now..

..with your whole family
depending on you?

lf only you'd written..
..and let me know!
- We did write!

Yes, but that was
when Papa died.

l answered: ''First l have
to find them a job''.

lt's not that easy here in Milan.
- Have a seat.
- Make yourselves comfortable.

- Tell us about yourselves.
- Let's hear.

Make yourself at home.
- He's shy.
- Probably tired.

- Not really.
- No? Naturally, he's young.

Were you cold?
- No.
- Some candy?

And what have you got there?
Oranges from our hometown.

- Would you like one?
- Thank you.

Just smell!
Thank you.
Listen, Rosaria, l thought
you came for their engagement.

And that Vincenzo said nothing
because he wanted to surprise us.

My heart's too heavy
to think about parties.

And now what?
You came here straight..

..from the station?
- Yes.

So where
are you gonna sleep tonight?

My son won't leave us
in the street.

He'll take care of us.
Listen here, Rosaria.
l can understand your being
worried about your boys,..

..but what about my girl, huh?!
