The dentist from the ground floor..
..beckoned to me.
After that,
l started going there nights.
A great improvement.
Now we were only two in a bed.
- How old were you?
- 1 3.
lt's not true, it's not true
about the dentist.
l was happy as a child.
The trouble started later on.
Please, l'm so tired.
l already told you, go!
What is it?
l'm over here!
- Well?
- Here...
These are the notices
for night school.
They were free,..
..but you need an elementary
school certificate.
l have one.
- Here!
- What's that?
Stop wasting your money!
Simone gave it to me.
Ah, Simone!
Did he go to work?
He was sleeping when l left.
He never works mornings.
Yeah, and who knows
what he works at?