Rocco e i suoi fratelli

You helped me understand..
:21:04 life was loathsome.
l learned to love you.

And now, because of the brutality
of a louse..

..who humiliated me in front of you bring us to his level.

All of a sudden,
nothing is the same.

What was beautiful and right
has become wrong.

We're both guilty.
Especially me.

- Go back to Simone.
- Are you serious?

Simone needs you.
He needs me, l know.
Then what?

Don't l count for anything?
What'll we do?
Help Simone.
This is madness!
We thought we were starting anew.
lnstead we were only doing harm.

l'll go
to church for my sermons.

l love you.
You love me.
What'll become of our love?

Why torture me like this?
We must stop.
lt's not possible.
You can't mean that, Rocco.
lf you do you'll regret it..
..and it'll be too late.
l hate you! Hate you!
l hate you! l hate you!
