Ciao, Franca.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
You're the fourth, huh?
We've already met.
She's Simone's woman.
He's back too. He's inside.
- Ciro, come here a minute!
- Coming, Mamma.
No knives in this house?
Here they are.
Here's the cure
for your brother's hangover.
Ciro, my son....
Rest now. We'll settle
everything tomorrow.
There's no tomorrow.
There is no tomorrow.
Ciro, my dear son, tell me:
is all that's happening my fault?
Taking my strong, handsome
sons here to better themselves,..
..and not toil a thankless land
like their father..
..who died a thousand times
before giving up...
You did well!
Your father couldn't bring
himself to leave the land.
But during the 25 years
we spent together..
..l thought of nothing but
leaving, leaving, leaving...
l wanted it for Vincenzo,
Simone, Rocco and for you.
Nothing seemed beautiful there.
That world was so small.
Here l feel
as lf l could touch the sky.
People on the street called me
''Madam'', imagine....
..me, ''Madam'',
here, in this big city.
Thanks to my wonderful boys.
But now,
everything's gone wrong