You told me you never came home
late when you were young.
Exactly! Mom and dad were strict.
The world wasn't such
an open-minded place...
And anyway, I had my fun
when I was young.
You lost...
and now you hang around in hotels.
That's why you lost.
I had real dreams...
not empty ones like you!
But you lost because you were weak.
And are you two sure
you won't lose?
Are you sure your love story
won't finish?
It won't work!
The passion will die soon
and leave its place to unhappiness.
Then it will be too late!
She's right.
You'd better go home!
No, I'm coming to live here.
I've just decided.
So, from now on,
you'll pay your own way.
Goodbye to you both.
What about school?
- I'm coming.
- Bye.
- Is that alright?
- Yes.
I'll get my stuff tomorrow.
Can I move in here?
Of course.
You didn't show up,
so we came.
- I was on my way.
- You're a good kid!