[Yelling In German]
Sir, it's a signal from
the Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
An aircraft from Hatston's
got through to Grimstad.
There's nothing there now, sir.
Well, they've sailed.
At least we know that much.
Now we can get moving.
Position of all convoys, sir.
Thank you.
All we can do now is wait
and see what happens.
That's the worst part
of our job...the waiting.
You have a son
in the service, haven't you?
Yes, sir. He's at Gibraltar.
He's an air gunner in the Ark Royal.
I bet you're glad...
he won't be mixed up
in this Bismarck show.
Why should I be glad?
If you were, you wouldn't admit it,
would you?
He must take his chance
like everybody else.
I see.
There's an air vice marshal
coming in later...
to help out on reconnaissance.
Give him a briefing, will you?
You wanted to speak to the crew,
They've been alerted.
Captain Lindemann...