Commander Richards,
have a bunk made up in my office.
Yes, sir.
I want the latest report
on all shipping...
in the North Atlantic...
enemy, friendly, neutral.
Any air reconnaissance over this area?
The weather's still too bad.
You show two cruisers
in the Denmark Strait.
Is Suffolk back on station?
We assume she is.
We don't know for certain.
She's quiet as a tomb.
Alter course to 1-9-0.
Starboard 15.
Starboard 15, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Very good, sir.
Bloody fool!
This blasted fog.
It's like looking into a cake of ice.
I can't see a thing.
You see something out there...
it will have 15-inch guns.
The Bismarck's
got a solid foot of armor plate.
Who said so?
The gunnery officer, that's who.
He said we might as well
throw crumpets at her.
I wish someone would
throw a crumpet at me.
Ship bearing green 4-5!
Two ships bearing green 4-5!
Hard aport! Full ahead both!
Hard aport. Full ahead both, sir.
Shall we follow them, sir?
Steady on 1-3-0.
Steady on 1-3-0!
Yeoman, make to admiralty.
Bismarck and cruiser sighted.
My position...
Give latitude and longitude.
Get that off immediately...
in case we run into trouble.
Aye aye, sir.
Check radar.