At full speed, we should make contact
at 0300.
I don't want to engage him
until daylight.
Give me a course and speed
to intercept at dawn.
Aye aye, sir.
At 27 knots... course 2-9-5...
we should meet them at first light.
We'll proceed on that course
at that speed.
Pass the word to Prince of Wales.
Signal from flag, sir.
Speed...27 knots.
200 revolutions.
Admiral's intentions follow, sir.
Very good.
Wilson, tell the captain...
we've gone onto 27 knots.
Also, the admiral's
sending his intentions.
Oh, Wilson, how are the civilian workers
enjoying themselves?
They're loving every moment of it, sir.
I'll tell you one thing...
I'm not sleeping in one of these
bloody hammocks.
Make a note, Walter...
to speak to the captain.
We'll have double beds put in.
Very funny. I never even had a chance...
to tell me wife what was happening.
They thought
she might not let you go.
Imagine what she thinks I'm up to.
Pity she's wrong, isn't it?
She'll never believe this.
Where are we going?
We picked up speed.
What's that for in the night?
Captain speaking.
Bismarck has been sighted
in Denmark Strait.
She's on her way out into the Atlantic.
We plan to tackle her
about dawn tomorrow morning.
You'll be going to action stations...
shortly after midnight.
I'm confident tomorrow is
going to be a big day for us.
Good luck and good shooting.
They can't do this. I'm
in a reserved occupation.
I never thought
a thing like this would happen.
Fancy me fighting Germans
on the high seas.
Here, lad. You ever been in
a battle before?
Yeah, hundreds of times.
Don't hardly give it a thought anymore.