received news today that HMS Hood...
largest warship in the British fleet...
and pride of the British navy...
has been sunk by the German
battleship Bismarck.
From the Hood's
complement of 1,500 men...
there were three survivors.
In the same engagement...
the battleship Prince of Wales
was badly damaged.
Two British capital ships
have been put out of commission...
and the most powerful
battleship in the world...
is now loose on the high seas.
It remains to be seen
whether the British navy...
has the capability
at this crucial moment...
of concentrating enough sea power...
to deal with the situation.
There is undoubtedly great
rejoicing in Berlin tonight...
and also on the Bismarck.
Here's to the ship, Lindemann...
and here's to us.
We have beaten the best they have.
Do you realize that?
Yes, sir.
They will never stop us, not now.
You wanted the damage control report.
What is it?
We received one hit
forward on the port side...
over number two fuel tank.
We're losing a little oil.
Anything serious?
No, sir. I would say
the damage is very slight.
However, I recommend we put about
and have it repaired.
Put about? You mean go home?
Yes, sir. We could refuel
at the same time.
Are you mad?
We have fought our way out
into the Atlantic.
This is no time to turn
and run for home.
We wouldn't be running.
We've won a tremendous victory.
It's not the victory that was ordered.
You haven't been close
to the high command, Lindemann.
Do you know what will happen...
when Admiral Raeder
reports the sinking of the Hood?
The fuehrer will smile...
and everyone else will smile...
and then, a few moments later...
he'll turn to Raeder with a scowl.
"What about the convoys, Raeder?
Have they sunk any convoys?"
There will still be
plenty of convoys, sir...
after we make repairs.
Is your ship unmaneuverable, Captain?
Are the guns damaged?
Anything out of action?
No, sir.