First sea lord here.
Now, first sea lord...
I want to make it unmistakably clear...
that there is absolutely nothing
as vital...
to the nation at this moment...
as the destruction of the Bismarck.
You are authorized to employ...
any means at your disposal...
regardless of risk...
and regardless of the price
that must be paid.
This is a battle
we cannot afford to lose.
I understand, sir.
I don't care how you do it.
You must sink the Bismarck.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
Well, gentlemen, any suggestions?
In my opinion, sir...
we cannot leave this entirely
to the Home Fleet.
We must reach out and pull in...
everything we can lay our hands on.
I've ordered Rodney to leave her convoy.
She was the last available ship.
I don't suggest this lightly, sir.
Down here at Gibraltar, we've Force H...
Renown, Sheffield, Ark Royal.
We can't strip the Western Mediterranean...
with this Crete business going on.
Perhaps if we left Ark Royal down there...
and sent the other two out.
No, sir.
We may need Ark Royal's aircraft.
What do you think, A.C.N.S.?
It's taking a serious risk.
I know Shepard has weighed
that very carefully.
In view of what the prime minister said...
we don't seem to have much choice.
Well, I may be able
to argue with you two...
but I can't quarrel
with the prime minister.
Order Force H to sail.
Aye aye, sir.
It's not for you, boy.
Oh, thanks.
Thompson, where are you?
My dearest Tom...
I'm really much too tired to write...