In the Iast centuty
before the birth...
ofthe newfaith
which wasdestinedto overthrow
thepagan tyranny ofRome...
andbring about a newsociety...
the Roman repubIic stoodat the vety
centre ofthe civiIized worId.
""OfaII things fairest, ""
sang thepoet...
""first among cities and
home ofthegods isgoIden Rome. ""
Yet even at thezenith
ofherpride andpower...
the RepubIic Iay fataIIystricken
with a disease caIIed...
human sIavety.
The age ofthe dictator
wasat hand...
waiting in theshadows
forthe event to bring it forth.
In thatsame centuty...
in the conquered
Greekprovince ofThrace...
an iIIiteratesIave woman
addedto hermaster's weaIth...
bygiving birth to a son
whom she namedSpartacus.
A proud, rebeIIious son...
who wassoId to Iiving death
in the mines ofLibya...
before his thirteenth birthday.
There, under whip
andchain andsun...
he Iivedout hisyouth
andhisyoung manhood...
dreaming the death ofsIavety...
2, 000years
before it finaIIy wouIddie.