His teeth are
the best thing about him.
He hamstrung a guard with them
not more than an hour ago.
Hamstrung? How marvellous!
I wish I'd been here.
I'll take him.
Let's look at some ofthe others.
Come along!
In spite ofsickness and death,
we will profiit 1 1 ,000 sesterces!
Including your commission,
No, sir.
Without my commission.
Marcellus, there they are.
They're a dirty-looking lot,
but it's the best I could fii nd.
No one else could have made
so fii ne a choice.
you have arrived at the gladiatorial
school of Lentulus Batiatus.
Here you will be trained by eхperts
to fii ght in pairs to the death.
Obviously, you won't be required
to fii ght to the death here.
That will only be
afteryou've been sold...
and then for ladies
and gentlemen ofquality...