Wine! Sweetmeats! Can't you see
that Their Honours are eхhausted?
Have the goodness to sit.
Is anything wrong,
Your Nobility?
to the Lady Claudia Maria...
former wife
of Lucius Caius Marius...
whose recent eхecution
touched us all so deeply.
Honour to the Lady Helena...
daughter ofthe late
Septimus Optimus Glabrus...
whose fame shall live on forever
in the person of his son...
your brother,
Marcus Publius Glabrus...
hero ofthe Eastern Wars.
How very much he knows.
Allow me to bring you
up to date.
We're here to celebrate the marriage
of my brother to the Lady Claudia.
A mating ofeagles,
Your Sanctity!
Fan His Magnitude.
He sweats.
My young friends desire
a private showing oftwo pairs.
Two pairs. Oh, yes.
I think I have something
that would please them.
- Two pairs to the death.
- To the death, Your Ladyship?
Surely you don't think we came
all the way to Capua for gymnastics?
But I beg Your Honours.
Here in Capua we train
the fii nest gladiators in all Italy.
We can give you a display
which is better than anything
you can see in Rome at any cost.
When they're sold, their new masters
may do with them as they wish...
but here, no, we never fii ght them
to the death.
Today is an eхception.
But the ill feeling it would spread
through the whole school.
And then the cost. The cost!
Name your price.
25,000 sesterces.