My fii rst master had me tutored
for his children.
I like her. She has spirit.
- I'll buy her.
- Buy her, Your Magnifiicence?
I have spent
quite a lot of money on her.
Yes, I've no doubt of it.
Two thousand sesterces.
Two thou--
She'll be waiting at your litter.
No, I don't want her feet
spoilt by walking.
Send her to Rome with your steward
the neхt time he has to go there.
He leaves tomorrow
and the girl with him.
More wine.
And thankyour gods!
You provoke me, Crassus.
I shan't be nice to you any more!
- Why distress me so much?
- You're horribly rich.
Yet you're the only one
of my brother's friends...
who hasn't given him
a wedding present.
I was saving it
for a more suitable moment.
Here. Give it to him, child.
What is it?
As from this moment, your husband
is commander ofthe garrison of Rome.
I don't know how I shall
ever be able to repay you.
Time will solve that mystery.
- The garrison of Rome.
- Yes.
The only power in Rome strong enough
to checkmate Gracchus and his senate.
You are clever!
Open up.
Through that door.