The age of the dictator
was at hand...
waiting in the shadows
for the event to bring it forth.
ln that same century...
in the conquered
Greek province of Thrace...
an illiterate slave woman
added to her master's wealth...
by giving birth to a son
whom she named Spartacus.
A proud, rebellious son...
who was sold to living death
in the mines of Libya...
before his thirteenth birthday.
There, under whip
and chain and sun...
he lived out his youth
and his young manhood...
dreaming the death of slavery...
2,000 years
before it finally would die.
Back to work!
Get up, Spartacus,
you Thracian dog!
Come on, get up!
My ankle, my ankle!
My ankle!
Spartacus again?
This time he dies.
Back to work, all of you!