We have visitors.
Tremendous visitors!
Two simply enormous Roman lords
on the hill.
How easily impressed
you are, Ramon.
Just 'cause they're Romans,
l suppose they're enormous.
Tell them to wait for me
when they arrive.
-Master, you don't understand!
-How enormous do these Roman lords get?
One of them is
Marcus Licinius Crassus.
What? Wait a minute.
Crassus here? Varinia,
my red toga with the acorns.
And some chairs in the atrium.
Second-best wine.
No, the best,
but small goblets.
Gracchus! You know
how Crassus loathes him.
Take him away.
- l can't lift it.
- Use your imagination! Cover him.
Tell Marcellus
to get the men ready.
Crassus has expensive taste.
He'll want a show of some sort.
Forgive me, Gracchus.
Marcus Licinius Crassus...
most noble radiance...
first general of the Republic...
father and defender of Rome...
honour my house.
Bless it with your presence.