No, not at all.
I kind of like him, Eve.
I think he's willing to take a chance
and let me do the house I really want to do.
That's the important thing, isn't it?
With enough money, so I don't have
to worry about the plumbing.
Will that be a relief.
I'm glad you made a good impression.
I was afraid you'd get there
and not understand a word he was saying.
What do you mean?
I don't know. I just thought
you'd have a head this morning.
I've got a head. Everybody's got a head.
Have you got a head, Peter?
Really, Larry. You knew
you had an important appointment.
A couple of martinis never hurt anybody.
They make me amorous.
You just think they do.
Martinis don't mix with s-e-x.
What's x-e-x?
Never mind. You just drink your milk.
Is it like Santa Claus?
In a way, son.
Is Daddy doing a house for Santa?
No, darling, he's doing a house for a writer.
I'm glad this is what you want, Larry.
I'm happy.
I think it's going to be very exciting.
- I'm glad.
- Guess what?
What, Peter?
- Guess.
- You lost a tooth?
No, but I wet the bed again last night.
You'd better be more careful, son.
This wasn't on my list.
That must be...
There was a slight mix-up at the market.
Between me and this gorgeous blonde.
- Really? Who?
- Patrick's mother.
Margaret Gault. Betty told me about her.
I hear she's very beautiful.
He drags me home from the party early.
He says he's tired.
So I get all set to watch television.
But not Felix.
He has to carry me upstairs
like a regular hero.
You know, I swear that man's got
one thing on his mind day and night.
It's getting so lately that I go out to lunch
so he won't come home for lunch.
I guess they're all alike, though.
Is Ken that way?
Yes, he's that way.
There are times
when my husband bores me stiff.