Strangers When We Meet

Who was on the phone, dear?
Just one of the women. A neighbor.
Something wrong? You seem disturbed.
No, nothing's wrong. If you don't mind,
I've got a lot of things to do.

- lf I can help in any way.
- It's a little late, isn't it?

- I'm interested. I simply want to...
- You're interested in me?

Don't judge me. I'm not to be judged by you.
I'm still your mother, you know.

- Yes, I know.
- Yes, Margaret, I am.

And I know a little bit more about life
and living than you might imagine.

I imagine you know a great deal
about life and living, Mother.

You're a very cold person, Margaret.
I never could talk to you.
I used to wonder when it all happened...
how I'd be able to explain it to you
when you were old enough to listen.

How I could make you understand what
honest-to-God love could do to a woman.

Of course, it was pure and beautiful.
I'm not a tramp, Margaret.
Please understand that.

I'm not a tramp.
What happened to me
could happen to any woman.

I don't want to hear it.
Do you know what I wish, Margaret?
I wish you'd really fall in love someday.
I am in love, Mother. With my husband.
Yes, of course.
Margaret, you married
the first nice boy that came along.

- Mom.
- Maybe it was my fault, but...

Excuse me, Mother.
See you later, Margaret.
Good morning.
I think we've got a box of corn flakes
that belongs to you.

- I read that book last night.
- How did you like it?

I saw what you meant. He doesn't see
the world very clearly, does he?
