Strangers When We Meet

Would you mind telling me
how this job is going to kill you?

I realize I'm terribly dense and stupid,
but I don't understand.

Look, for once, just try to understand.
I didn't want this job because
I want to concentrate on the Altar house.

That's something I want.
Something that excites me.

I've got things I want to state
as an architect.

And if I don't get them out of me, I'll bust.
You know what I'm trying to say?
Do you understand?

I understand, Larry.
But what comes after the Altar house?

I think we should be grateful to Mr. Baxter.
Heaven knows we can use the extra money.

Linda. We're home.
- Hi.
- Hi, Eve.

Were the kids okay? Did they wake up?
Not a peep out of them all night.
- Who's winning?
- I don't know. Who's playing?

It's not quite 11:00, sis.
Do you want me to lift Peter before I go?

I'll do it, Linda.
- Good night, Larry.
- Good night, Hank.

Sis, there was one little fuss.
- What are you doing awake?
- Is it time for school yet?

Mommy and I just got home.
Get back to sleep.

Daddy, tonight Peter was messing around
with my record player.

He broke the needle
and scratched up the record.

And when I tried to stop him, he got mad
and threw one of his blocks at me...

and almost broke the window.
And when I told Lindy,
she said it was just an accident.

But it wasn't no accident, Daddy.
- We'll have to talk to him about that.
- I think you should beat him up.

We'll figure something out
in the morning, okay?

- Okay.
- Get back to sleep.

- David?
- Yes, Daddy?

I'll drive you to the bus stop in the morning.
Okay, Daddy.
