Suppose I were going to meet another man?
- Would it make you jealous?
- Of course it'd make me jealous.
But you don't think it's possible?
I mean, do you? That I would.
You're my wife, Margaret.
- It happens, you know.
- Not to someone like you.
I'm no different than anyone else, Ken.
I've got the same feelings,
the same passion...
- Now stop that. Don't talk like that.
- "Passion" isn't a dirty word, Ken.
Margaret, please, you know
I don't like to hear you talk like that.
Now, come on.
You go on and have a good time, okay?
If I'm not awake when you get home,
I'll see you in the morning.
- Hi, Maggie.
- Hi.
- I thought you weren't coming.
- I said I would.
- Shall we sit down?
- Sure.
- Did you have any trouble?
- No.
Let's not talk about it, please.
- Would you like a drink?
- Please.
Good. Waiter. What do you drink?