What is it?
What's wrong?
These curtains don't
belong in here.
Well, they're from the captain's cabin.
We thought you'd like them.
It's so wonderful.
I don't deserve it.
I can't believe it.
Don't worry
about the curtains.
If you don't like them,
I know a woman who can fix anything.
Here it is. ''Tiger.
Panthera Tigris. Native of Asia.
Ranges north to Siberia...
and south to India
and the Malay Peninsula.''
That can only mean one thing,
a land bridge.
That's how there came to be
so many different kinds of
animals on one island.
Well, how do you know
it's an island?
Why couldn't it be
a peninsula?
Well, why don't you let us
try and sail around it?
You know how your mother
feels about that.
It's just as
I was telling Fritz.
I think there used to be a land bridge
between here and Asia.
That would explain how so many
different types of animals
came to be trapped here.
What do you think, Fritz?
Do you agree?