Swiss Family Robinson

That's why
I want to go to school.

You'd love it
in London.

There are concerts,
parties, dances...

ladies in beautiful gowns,
elegant men in tall hats.

Did you ever
own a tall hat?

I can't wait
to see you in one.

You'll be
quite handsome.

That's what I miss most,
the color and excitement.

I know I'd especially like it
if you were there.

I'll be there.
As long as I live, I don't think
I shall travel any further from home...

than an occasional trip
to the seaside.

Thank you, Roberta.
[ Roberta ] There must be something
my grandfather can do for you.

[ Ernst ]
Herr Kobel used to say...

''For some boys,
school is a punishment;

for others,
a reward.''

There must be something
my grandfather can do.

Francis, don't!
If you drop that
you could blow us to pieces.

That wouldn't set it off.
You'd have to light the fuse.

- Even then I'm not so sure.
- You don't think they'll work?

They may make noise, keep the pirates
confused. That's all they're good for.

Just because Papa thought
of them instead of you!

Hey, what's all this?
More pirate alarms?

Yes, for over there
on the steep side.

You and your
pirate alarm!

What about your tiger?
Have you caught him yet?

No. Until Fritz
and Ernst dig the pits...

- I don't have anyplace to keep him.
-[ Fritz ] Ernst, Roberta!

One of you give me a hand,
will you?

- It's all right, I'll go.
- Don't bother.

Up there, pull the knot
as tight as you can.
