Swiss Family Robinson

How do you like this
for the winner of the race?

I better try it on
for size, eh?

Not going to argue?
Just conceding that I'll win?

Fritz, about
this afternoon--

I know why you and Ernst were fighting.
It was my fault.

It wasn't your fault.
Everything that's happened is because
you brought me back with you...

even the danger we're in
from the pirates.

I don't recall your
asking to be brought here.

It seems to me you had
quite different ideas, remember?

Poor Ernst!
The hours he spent
making that silly hat.

He didn't mean to neglect his work. He
was trying to be nice to me, that's all.

I know that.
I never dreamed
he'd do that.

I did hope I could
repay your family.

All I've achieved is to cause trouble.
I didn't want that.

Roberta... I'm not much at saying
things, you know, but--

It's no good.
When we leave here...

you're going on and I
have to go back to London.

Let's not make
it difficult.

You talk about
when we leave here!

How do you know we're going to leave?
We might be here--

[ Growling ]
My tiger!
I bet I got him!

- Francis, come back here!
- [ Barking ]

Come on.
Look out, Ernst.
[ Growling ]
He might be anywhere.
- Let me go.
- Wait till we get there. Wait a minute.

- Francis, wait!
- It's my tiger. Let me go!

Mind the pit.
[ Francis ]
Where is he? Ahh!
