It's a new infantry weapon...
tested at Fort Benning
in the United States.
But here's something strange:
Before the weapon could go
into full-scale production...
the blueprints disappeared.
They were stolen.
U.S. military intelligence
found the thief--
a U.S. soldier in Germany--
in a deserted bunker
with his throat cut.
He had been gruesomely mutilated
and apparently tortured.
The blueprints were, of course,
nowhere to be found.
- When did this happen?
- About a year ago.
There's no doubt that it was this steel
needle gun that caused Barter's death.
I don't know.
This Barter murder case reminds me
of something that happened long ago.
does the name Dr. Mabuse
mean anything to you?
- Never heard of him.
- No.
A criminal genius.
He wanted to shock the world
with terrorist acts...
undermining governments...
and establishing
a fantastic reign of crime.
He ended up in an insane asylum,
where he wrote a kind of last will...
instructions for the crimes
he was planning.
In 1 932 he died, insane.
But if you talk
to old-time criminals...
they all say
that Dr. Mabuse isn't dead.
He can't die.
Cock-and-bull stories!
How could you even think of this--
What was the name again?
Dr. Mabuse.
In those days, I was a young assistant
on the homicide squad...
and we had a similar case there.
A man was shot behind the wheel
of his car from another vehicle.
The Barter case strikes me as
an exact copy of Dr. Mabuse's methods.
You said he was
no longer alive.
I have seen his dead body
with my own eyes, but--
Why haven't we heard anything
about this case?
The case never made
criminal history...
because Hitler appeared on the scene,
and the whole Nazi nightmare.
But there must be files
on the Mabuse case.