This is number eight.
Switch it on.
Decoding is active.
Write it down.
This is Dr. Mabuse speaking.
Four days ago...
the American Henry W. Taylor
arrived in town.
The British foreign office
just agreed.
- Gentlemen?
- We accept.
Just a question of principle:
When you take over the entire stock
holdings of Taran Nuclear Works...
is this happening under the auspices
of the United States...
or are you signing
as a private citizen?
In practice, it's irrelevant.
When I evaluate the secret models
of your rockets...
on my U.S. testing grounds...
I will be under government supervision
And how do you envision
the financial transaction?
As soon as my lawyers
have examined the contract...
you will receive
the full amount by check.
The name Taylor is an alias.
Departments B and C are to follow
Taylor's each and every step...
and give a detailed report
every 1 2 hours.
Taylor is staying
in a luxury suite...
on the 14th floor
of the Luxor Hotel.
A radio message
from Inspector Kras.
"Before he was murdered
on his way to the TV studio...
the reporter Peter Barter
had been at the Luxor Hotel...
according to a statement
by the vehicle maintenance man."
Please call a short staff meeting
for 20 minutes from now.