Thank God!
I wouldn't have enjoyed my dinner.
Drink this.
It'll do you good.
This is the hotel manager.
Open the door.
- Please don't let anybody in.
- No, no.
Open the door!
This is the police!
Perhaps you should go in the other room.
I'll talk to these people.
Come in, gentlemen--
just the two of you.
No, no, please.
Don't push, gentlemen.
- We want to see the woman.
- We've got a right to see her.
Please, don't cause trouble. Mr. Taylor
is a guest from the United States.
What did he say?
What's his name?
Nonsense! Wait, it's--
Of course. I've seen him
in the newspapers. He did look familiar.
Get to the office right away so your
picture makes the evening edition.
In the meantime, I'm going to file
my report by phone.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Who do you think
the noble rescuer is?
Hieronymus B. Mistelzweig.
The " B" stands for "belly."
General insurance: life, accident,
baggage loss, health...
fire, hail, theft, and burglary.
Only lovesickness and a chronic shortage
of cash are excluded.
Well, if you insure that guy,
you can retire.
Is he that well-off?
Billions. Mr. Travers is one
of the richest men from overseas.
And a bachelor.
Mrs. Menil is apparently wealthy.
She owns fabulous jewelry
and expensive furs.
She flew here from Paris
five days ago.
But our house detective
may know more about her.
- Then please ask him to come here.
- With pleasure.
Are you sure the woman won't do
anything else foolish?
My secretary is with her.