The gentlemen are all gone.
For the moment,
no one is going to bother you.
If I can help you in any way--
No one can help me.
Why didn't you let me--
Everything would have been
over now.
Death is such a finite thing.
People often think they are facing
a catastrophe...
and despair descends
like a dark cloud.
In every situation
there is a way out.
Not for me.
Do you have financial worries?
Romantic troubles?
You trusted me when you were
standing out there on the ledge.
I should probably
be grateful to you.
But I'm not.
Do you have any family
I can notify?
I don't want to see anyone.
I want to go to my room.
I don't want you
to be alone now.
Yes, I understand.
Then please notify
my doctor, Dr.Jordan.
- Where is he? In the lobby?
- No, in the other room.
Forgive me. I was told that
Mrs. Menil was in your suite.
Sister Agnes heard a radio broadcast at
my clinic about this terrible incident.
Mrs. Menil is my patient.
May I see her?
I was just about
to send for you.
How could you do such a thing?
You've got to pull yourself together.
I'm going to take you to your room
and give you a little shot...
and then you'll have
a nice sleep.
I'll leave you
in Sister Agnes's care overnight.
She's a familiar face, right?