One doesn't talk about that.
One gets by.
Allow me, gentlemen.
Another round.
A little schnapps with your beer
can't hurt, Inspector.
Besides, it's all tax-deductible.
Karl, one more.
The hotel engineer is,
of course, included.
I'm sorry, Mr. Mistelzweig.
Perhaps later, though.
The freezer for the kitchen
downstairs is on the blink.
Most likely it's a short. Do you have
the key to the machine room?
No, but there must be
a spare downstairs.
I can't find it.
Please come with me.
Go ahead and pour my drink.
I'll be right back.
Do you have an office
here at the hotel?
My office? No, no.
My office is here--
in my head.
I do my business at the Luxor...
but I wouldn't take a permanent office
here if they gave it to me for free.
What don't you like
about the hotel?
Just between you and me:
It's not under a lucky star...
like anything the Nazis started
near the end of the war.
What does that have to do
with the Luxor?
People aren't the only ones influenced
by the constellations upon their birth.
- A building is too.
- Come on now!
- A building isn't born!
- Oh, yes, it is, Inspector.
The placement of its cornerstone
is its birth hour...
and the cornerstone for the Luxor
was laid by the Nazis in May '44...
when they still believed
in final victory.
The bigwigs in the SS wanted
to build a few grand hotels...
for politicians and diplomats...
all in one huge cluster,
so they could spy on everybody.
No, the Luxor has a negative aura.
But your business is thriving here
Well, in a hotel like this there are
always people with a lot of money.
There's jewelry or baggage to insure,
or travel insurance to write.
My wife has always wanted me
to buy life insurance.
It all depends on the stars,
It's all in the stars.
Considering your profession...
you could be dead tomorrow,
I mean, since you're always
in dangerous situations.
Criminals never sleep,
do they?
But perhaps we could
work something out.
Call me at the office
in the morning.