that might help me?
A man.
His face is a blur.
Now, nothing!
The cloud again.
The dark cloud.
It covers everything.
It's stronger than I am.
It threatens me personally.
I can feel it.
That's why I would be
grateful to you...
if you kept me informed
about the Barter case.
We have maintained absolute silence
with the press...
regarding the fact that Barter
met a violent death.
Nevertheless, this afternoon I received
a very strange phone call.
A man was willing...
in exchange for immunity
from prosecution and a reward...
to give me information
about this steel needle.
We immediately determined the call
originated from a public phone.
But the guy
was much too smart.
When the patrol car arrived,
he was long gone.
But before he hung up,
he said I should think about it.
He would call me again
What are we doing here?
The bunker
where they found the American.
You know, the American!
- And why are we here?
- To make a phone call.
- You're so fond of making phone calls.
- Me? What do you mean?
You know. I warned you.
- The doctor doesn't like it.
- What doesn't he like?
- That you make phone calls.
- But I didn't--
I didn't!
- Good morning, Inspector.
- Morning.
It got pretty late last night.
Any news?
Nothing at all.
Everything was quiet.
The telephone didn't work,
but it's been fixed.