Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse, Die

The dark cloud
is all-powerful.

It gathers and approaches...
ever closer!
No, it's not a cloud.
It's a face.
The face of a dead man.
No, he's alive.
Mabuse. Dr. Mabuse.
Now it's gone.
The dark cloud has returned.

Close, very close.
It is here!
It is hanging over--

Get away from the window!
Turn the lights off!
The shot came from either
the roof or the attic of that house.

Kaiser, maybe we can still
catch the guy!

I'm not staying here
any longer.

Would you please take me
back to the hotel?

Please don't leave me
here alone.

The danger has passed.
I regret this turn of events.
Perhaps some refreshments
will help you recover from the shock.

Mr. Cornelius...
I admire your psychic gift.
Really, it was fabulous!

By the way, what was that strange name
you mentioned?

I don't remember.
I have no control in this state.
