Thanks so much.
I ran into the lamp post.
I must go. My wife's waiting.
Been married long?
1 1 years.
I'd like to be married.
You think so?
Yes, I really do.
Has its advantages.
At the beginning...
I sometimes wondered...
how I could get rid of her.
Then I wondered why I thought that.
A matter of liberty?
Yes... I first met her at a dance.
She wasn't easy to get to know.
Hadn't been out much.
You know how it is in Paris.
There are more virgins...
than in any other town...
proportionally, anyhow.
But that wasn't why I married her.
Why then?
We just had good times together.
I don't know who you are.
I may never see you again...
so I can speak freely.
It's good to speak...
to a stranger sometimes.
Yes, quite.
I began to like her.
We've been going out together for...
a year.
So I bought a ring.
That's how it is.
Not always.
It was later
I fell in love with her.
She was in hospital
having her first baby.
I looked at her...
and at the baby.
And that's when it really began.
How many kids?
A good number.
Yes, they are fine.
I turn off here. So long.
Look after yourself.