Short skirts and...
high heels. Why wear stockings?
Why not socks like us?
A girl with socks is horrible.
One day when
all my shorts were dirty...
I took my sister's.
I understood
why they always want it.
We wear trousers.
But their legs are always touching.
What about priests?
How must they feel?
They wear long pants.
Look out! Red lights!
That's torn it!
We'll have it out later.
Open up!
The door? Help me.
What is it, officer?
Stop the engine. Get out!
He's an awful driver, officer.
He gets nervous.
Coming, darling?
That's enough.
We'll take the bus.
So long!
Be seeing you.
Yes, come and see us.
Right! So long.
"So long"?
We'll see soon enough.
Yes, let's not worry.
Their guns have silencers?
She took your arm herself.
Just like that.
Looks like
she's taking you home.
It's this way.
I'll go first.