I knew you weren't listening.
You pretend to.
But all the time
you're thinking of the household.
I was trying to explain
what pleased me about the concert.
But you look so bored
when I'm talking to you...
I didn't finish.
I'm fed up!
This is no life for an artist.
I may not be a great artist...
but I need...
people to think so.
Is it asking too much?
I have to be very patient
to live with you.
And your conversation!
collects your records.
So and so didn't like
your last recital.
thinks I'm the greatest pianist.
Should I accept this?
Did so and so see me on television?
And everything ten times over.
I pretend to listen...
What a life!
Don't you think I'm fed up, too?
If only you were conceited,
more self-confident,
you'd stop bugging me.
You can't stand criticism.
I'm talking nonsense
because I'm jealous.
No, what you say is true.
I know it.
What to do?
I'm not your type.
Don't say that. It hurts me!
What a success!
Your wife must be happy.
But I must say...
your press conference was a flop.
The journalists
come to see the genius...
and can't get a word out of him.
Shyness is a curable disease.
I did the job.
Look what this columnist says...