Let me do the job.
Here they are!
What a time to come!
I got up late.
Yes, very late.
- Then we went for a drive.
- Together?
Yes, want further details?
Yes, I'm interested.
- He's usually alone.
- Even when he's not alone.
We've come for our pay...
and to give notice.
That's it!
Make a nuisance of yourself!
Hear that?
Where've you been hiding?
I was worried.
They had his address.
Mine too.
I know nothing.
Ask him. You live with him.
Live with him!
- Shut up!
- You shut up!
They came here today!
You sold them our addresses.
You did that?
Yes... the informer!
He's a dirty dog!
But what a life!
He wants her
but he can't have her.
Even now,
he can't take his eyes off her.
So what?
The boss's not bad...
but he's just a failure.
Don't tell him so.
Any how, it's not your business.
Just sit in front of the piano.
There's nothing you can do for him.
You're no one.
And nothing matters.
- Listen!
- Go to hell!
Look at my biceps. I am someone.
- Feel!
- Shit!
That's right... shit!
Go to hell, all of you!
What nasty words
in such a mouth!