Tunes of Glory

- Good night, Colonel.
- Oh, good night, sir.

I'm sorry you have to go so soon.
And we're very sorry, too,
Colonel Barrow.

If I'd known it was going to be
such a delightful evening...

we'd have canceled
our second function.

Look, here's the pony.
In the mess, too.

Yes, actually, he's collecting
for the soldiers, sailors and airmen's fund.

Oh, a most worthy charity.
- Excellent idea.
- Good night again.

- Have you got a bob, Enid?
- Oh, yes.

Dear little thing.
- You enjoying yourself, Miss Sinclair?
- It's a wonderful party.

Such a good idea
having the dancing.

It's a pleasure to watch you.
I can see you're an expert.

Me? I'm nothing of the kind.
I've just been complimented
on my dancing.

- Oh, aye?
- Most sincerely.

What the hell does he know
about Highland dancing, eh?

- Aye. That's a question I'd like —
- I don't care what he knows.

It was nice of him to say so.
I think you're being unfair to him.

Oh, fine. But there's no need
to bow and scrape.

He's no the brigadier, you know.
Just another colonel.

Och. Father.
She's looking really lovely tonight, Jock.
- Keeping all the lads on their toes.
- You can cut that out!

- Jock, you dancing?
- Aye!

- I'm dancing, all right. Come on.
- Mmm.

Uh, Colonel Barrow...
I've been standing here envying you.
The first postwar party.
The fruits of victory, eh?
And the same day, too.
February 20th every year,
come snow or ice, the barracks party.

Right up to 1941.
But I'm teaching my grandmother
how to suck eggs.

I should think the first Colonel Barrow
started the tradition.

You'll carry it on now, won't you?
