I cannot understand it at all,
a man of your experience to do such a thing.
Such a... stupid thing.
What do you think made me do it, eh?
Did you not know
about that young man?
- No.
- Did she no tell you?
Och, well, maybe it was just
the shock of it all, eh?
Aye, just that.
He was in his uniform, wasn't he?
- I'm afraid he was. Aye.
- I saw what happened.
Jock! What on earth
are you doing here?
- Is something wrong?
- Aye, Mary.
I've done a stupid thing.
Can I come in?
Oh, Jock, I don't want you in
at this hour. I, um
- Well, what is it you've done?
- I've bashed a corporal.
- You've what?
- In a pub.
Yeah, I don't know what came over me.
- And the lad was in uniform.
- Oh, Jock, that's serious.
It's more than that.
It's suicidal.
Well, you'd better come in.
- As a matter of fact, I've got company.
- Oh, who?
It's all right. It's a friend.
Charlie Scott?
What are you doing here?
Visiting, old boy. Just visiting.