Wild River

Hi, I'm Chuck Glover.
I'm Betty Jackson.
I was Mr. Biggs secretary.

Do I inherit you, too?
I don't know. Mr. Biggs left
so suddenly he didn't say.

You're inherited.
What desk should I use?
That was Mr. Biggs desk.
Thank you.
What's the matter?
I thought they'd send
an older man.

No, they sent a younger one.
Shall we get to work?

I'll get the folder
on Garth Island.

Getting the old lady off Garth
is difficult.

You're the third one
they've sent to try.

Ella Garth versus Washington.
Poor old Mr. Biggs
was disgusted when he quit.

I'll bet he was.
Maybe, it could be
he went about it the wrong way.

That man did everything
anybody could do.

He begged and pleaded with her,
but she won't budge an inch.

That's the American way of life.
Rugged individualism is our heritage.

3000 people sell,
and Ella Garth won't sell.

We applaud that spirit,
we admire it, we believe in it,

but we must get her out of there.
The dam is finished
and once they close those gates
and the water starts to rise...

Well, we've not only
got to get her out of there,

but we must get the land cleared,
the houses and trees down...

Be careful!
I guess I'm not telling you
anything new.

Betty, how would you go about
getting her off the island?

I'd let her drown.
That's one way.
How many...?
