Wild River

You work here, don't you?
No, sir.
Who does?
You don't do any work at all?
How do you manage that?
Just never started.
Ma owns this property
and she ain't gonna sell it.

Certainly I can understand
how a senile old woman

would be sentimental about a place
and not want to leave.

Perhaps, she doesn't understand
what it's all about.

Ma understands everything.
If she understands, then what
is she doing? These floods...

Ma knows about the floods.
Then I really don't understand!
Now, you just quiet down.
We ain't stupid.

I didn't say you were.
-Been reading your mind.
-Mister, Ma ain't selling.

It's up to you to make her sell.
Are you all afraid of her?

Joe John.
Don't say nothing against Ma.
What am I saying against her?
I'm saying that
if your mother is senile
it's up to you

to make her understand
she has to leave.

Ma ain't gonna.
She is gonna.
You know that.

Joe John.
Mister, you'd better go now.
Not until I talk to your mother.
Come on, take me up there.
What's so funny?

What's senile?
He says Ma is crazy?
I never saw so many men
afraid of one...

What are you doing?
Hey, hey. Let me go!
Let go of me!
