Wild River

Why haven't you gotten her off?
You know what's coming.

Don't look to me. I was born here.
I know what she's talking about.

You've gotta believe it,
if she has to leave, it'll kill her.

People don't die as easy as that.
There's some people like that.
We'll get her a nice house
with a radio, a modern kitchen.

You don't know her.
You love her, don't you?
And you're afraid of her.

Not really.
I think if anyone has a chance
of reaching her, it would be you.

Was that your little girl?
I have a little boy, too.
One of those men
isn't your husband?

My uncles.
Where's your husband?
I'm sorry.
How long have you lived here
with here?

Since my husband died.
We lived on the other bank,
in a white house. Did you see it?

Yes, I did. Yeah.
Well, when he died,
I just locked the door
and took my two babies
and come over here to Granma.

How old were you when he died?
And you have two children.

I plain gave up.
But Granma doesn't believe
in giving up.

Yes, I kind of gathered that.
She gave me her savings
