You said, "Mr. Asagai...
...I should like very much to talk
with you about Africa.
You see, Mr. Asagai,
I am looking for my identity!"
It's true this isn't so much
the profile of a Hollywood Queen...
...as, say, the Queen of the Nile.
What does it matter?
Assimilationism is so popular
in your country.
I am not an assimilationist!
Such a serious one.
So you like the robes?
You must take excellent care of them.
They're from my sister's
personal wardrobe.
You sent all the way home for me.
For you...
...I'd do much more.
That's what I came for. I must go.
Will you call me Monday?
Of course. We have a great deal
to talk about, you and I.
I mean, about identity and all that.
And time.
How much time one needs
to know what one feels.
You see?
You never understood.
More than one feeling...
...can exist between a man and a woman.
At least there should be.
Between a man and woman,
there need be only one kind of feeling.
And I have that for you.
- Now even, right this moment.
- I know, and it won't do.
- I can find that anyplace.
- It should be enough.
Because that's what it says
in all the novels that men write.
But it isn't.
Go ahead and laugh,
but I'm not interested in being...
...someone's little episode in America.
Or one of them.
It's real funny, huh?
It's just that every American woman
I have ever met...
...has always said that to me.
In this, you are all the same.
- And the same speech too.
- Yuk, yuk, yuk.
It's how you can tell that
the world's most liberated woman...
...isn't liberated at all.
You all talk about it too much.