Come on, open it.
Lord, I wish Walter Lee was here.
- Open it!
- Don't be getting excited.
- It's only a check.
- Open it.
Don't be acting silly now.
We never been a people
to act silly about money.
We ain't never had none before.
Open it.
Is them the right amount of zeros?
Ten thousand dollars.
Golly, Grandma. You rich!
Ten thousand dollars.
Put it away.
Ten thousand dollars, they give you.
Ten thousand dollars.
What's the matter with Grandma?
Don't she want to be rich?
Go on downstairs and play now, baby.
You done gone
and got yourself upset.
You know...
...if it wasn't for you all,
I'd put that money away...
...or give it to the church.
Now, what kind of talk is that?
Mr. Younger'd be just plain mad
if he could hear you talk like that.
He would, wouldn't he?
We got plenty to do with that money.
Where'd you go today, girl?
To the doctor.
Now, you know better than that.
Old Dr. Jones is peculiar in his way.
But nothing to make nobody slip
and call him "she," like you done.
That's just what happened.
My tongue slipped.