I don't allow yelling in this house,
and you know it.
And there'll be no investing
in liquor stores!
And I don't aim to speak
on it again!
But you haven't even looked at it.
You haven't even looked at it.
You haven't even looked at it,
and you won't speak on it again?
You tell that to my boy tonight...
...when you put him to sleep
on the living room couch.
Tell him when his mother goes
to care for somebody else's kids.
And tell it to me
when we want curtains or drapes...
...and you sneak out to work
in somebody's kitchen.
I want a future for this family.
All I want is to be able to stand
in front of my boy...
...like my father never was able
to do to me...
...and tell him he'll be somebody
in this world...
...besides a servant...
...and a chauffeur.
You tell me then. Hear?
- Where're you going?
- Out!
- Where?
- Out of this house.
- I'll come too.
- Don't.
- I've got something to tell you.
- That's too bad.
Sit down!
- I'm a grown man.
- Ain't nobody said you wasn't grown.
But you're in my house and my presence.
And you'll talk to your wife civil.
- Now sit down!
- Let him go.
He can drink himself to death.
You make my stomach sick.
You turn mine too, baby!
That was my biggest mistake.
What's the matter with you?
There's nothing the matter with me.
There's something eating you up
like a crazy man.
More than me not giving you money.
The past years I've watched it happen.
You get all nervous acting
and wild in the eyes.
I said sit!
I don't need your nagging
at me today! How's that?
Seems like you always tied up
in some kind of knot or something.