But if anybody asks about it,
you yell and bust out and go get drunk.
People cannot live with that.
Ruth is a nice, patient girl.
But you are too much. Don't make the
mistake of driving her away.
What does she do for me?
She loves you!
I got to go out. Now I got
to go out and be by myself!
I'm sorry about your liquor store.
But it's not the thing for us to do.
That's what I wanted to say.
- It's dangerous.
- What's dangerous?
When a man goes
outside his house for peace.
Then how come there can never be
no peace in this house?
You found it in some other house?
Why do you always think
there's a woman?
I want so many things.
I want so many things that sometimes
I think they'll drive me crazy.
I'm 35 years old,
and I ain't got nothing.
I ain't going to be nothing.
Just look at me.
- Look at me.
- I'm looking at you.
You're a good-Iooking boy.
- You got a job, a wife, a son...
- A job!
I open and close car doors all day.
I drive a man in his limousine,
and I say...
..."Yes, sir" and "No, sir"
and "Shall I take the drive, sir?"
That ain't no kind of job.
That ain't nothing at all.
- I don't know if you can understand.
- Understand what?
It's like I can see my future
just stretched out in front of me.
My whole future. A big, blank,
empty space full of nothing...
...just hanging at the edge of my days,
waiting for me.
But it don't have to be.
Sometimes, when I'm downtown
driving that man around...
...we pass them cool,
quiet-Iooking restaurants.
I look in.
I see these white boys.
They're sitting, talking...
...about deals
worth millions of dollars...
...and they look no older than me.
How come you talk
so much about money?
Because it's life!
So now money is life?
Once, freedom used to be life.
But now it's money.