Judgment at Nuremberg

What is the character of Ernst Janning?
Let us examine his life for a moment.
He was born in 1885.
Received the degree
of Doctor of Law in 1907.

Became a judge in East Prussia in 1940.
Following WWI, he became one
of the leaders of the Weimar Republic...

and was one of the framers
of its democratic constitution.

In subsequent years
he achieved international fame...

not only for his work as a great jurist,
but also as the author of legal text books...

which are still used in universities
all over the world.

He became Minister of Justice
in Germany in 1935.

If Ernst Janning is to be found guilty...
certain implications must arise.
A judge does not make the laws.
He carries out the laws of his country.
The statement:
"My country, right or wrong... "
was expressed by a great American patriot.
It is no less true for a German patriot.
Should Ernst Janning have carried out
the laws of his country?

Or should he have refused to carry them out
and become a traitor?

This is the crux of the issue
at the bottom of this trial.

The defense is as dedicated
to finding responsibility...

as is the prosecution.
For it is not only Ernst Janning
who is on trial here...

it is the German people.
The tribunal will recess
until further notification.
