No. They told me that
I would be hearing from them in ten days.
I see. Now, Mr. Petersen...
I'd like you to look at something.
Do you recognize it?
Would you please read it for the tribunal?
"District Court of Stuttgart.
"The baker, Rudolph Petersen,
born May 20, 1914...
"son of railway employee, Hans Petersen...
"is to be sterilized. "
Now would you read the last paragraph?
"It is therefore requested...
"he present himself within two weeks...
"to one of the hospitals mentioned below.
"If he does not...
"betake himself voluntarily...
"he will be taken by force. "
Please read the signature at the bottom.
"Presiding Justice Hoffstetter. "
Would you read
what is written below the signature?
- Below?
- Below.
"By authority of...
"Ernst Janning...
"Minister of Justice. "
Your Honor...