Judgment at Nuremberg

Should harm come to me...
who will stand with you...
under the lantern?
With you, Lili Marleen.
What is your life like in America?
Do you have a family?

Yes, I have a daughter,
and she has four children.

Four? You must be very proud of them.
Yes, I am. I admit it.
- And where's your wife?
- She died a few years ago.

- How about you? Do you have children?
- No, I don't.

What is your position in America?
It must be important.

No, it isn't, really. I'm a District Court Judge.
I haven't even been that for the last year.
Are you retired?
Forcibly, by the electorate.
You elect judges in the United States?
- Yes, in some states.
- I didn't know that.

It's either one of the virtues
or one of the defects of our judicial system.

I thought it was one of the virtues
until last year, when I was defeated.

I'm sure it was the fault
of the electorate, not yours.

Seems to be some difference of opinion
about that.

This is where I live.
- Here?
- Yes. It's not so bad inside.

Would you like to come up?
I could make some coffee.

Yes, thank you.
Things haven't been very easy for you,
have they?

I'm not used to them being easy.
I'm not fragile, Judge Haywood.
I'm a daughter of the military.
You know what that means, don't you?
