"Tins of Zyklon B...
"were released through
the specially constructed apertures.
"You could hear the groaning
and the whimpering inside.
"After two or three minutes...
"all was quiet. "
Death transports that had arrived
included 90,000 from Slovakia...
65,000 from Greece...
11,000 from France...
90,000 from Holland...
400,000 from Hungary...
250,000 from Poland and Upper Silesia...
and 100,000 from Germany.
And this is what was filmed when...
British troops liberated
Belsen concentration camp.
For sanitary reasons...
a British bulldozer had to bury the bodies
as quickly as possible.
Who were the bodies?
Members of every occupied country
of Europe.
Two-thirds of the Jews of Europe...
More than six million...
according to reports
from the Nazis' own figures.
But the real figure...
no one knows.